
How to start an Award unit at your school.

If you want to start an Award unit, finding our website is a great start. One you have found us, please get in touch with the national office. This is how it works: 

1. Introductory Meeting

There will be a meeting with people of the school / organisation / participants and a representative of the Award organisation of the Netherlands to discuss all questions, to get to know each other and to talk about the impact the Award programme can have for them.

The following items will be discussed for sure:
- Making acquaintance with each other’s organisations
- The vision behind the programme and the criteria of the Award programme
- The link between the vision and goals of the school or organisation
- The training of people from the school or organisation
- The licence agreement where arrangements are confirmed.

2. Training of people who are involved with the organisation

Teachers, youth workers or volunteers coach and help the young people who participate in the Award programme. These Award leaders will get a one-day training to become an certified Award leader. There are also people needed for the organisation of the Expedition, these are also people who work at the participating school or organisation. These people will have a one-day training to become an assessor.

3. Finances

− Participants normaly pay EURO 35,00 per level if they want to work for an Award, currently the Dutch government is funding the costs for an Award.
− Training fee is EURO 300 per person (1 day all materials and catering included)
− Licence fee depends on the number of participants and starts with €400 for (1 –25 participants).
− All the activity and training-costs are covered by the participants.

4. The licence agreement

If this is signed by the school management or organisation, they are a formal provider of the Award programme. The school or organisation receives for example logos and other materials, they will be on our Award website and they get a so-called sublicense.


Vrijwilligerswerk bij de oudste scholierenvereniging / Jette Talsma was voor het onderdeel Vrijwilligerswerk penningmeester bij de oudste scholierenvereniging van Nederland. “Eenieder heeft dezelfde passie en het is ontzettend leuk dat je dit deelt. Hoe ga je nou precies in contact met bedrijven, hoe maak je afspraken, hoe kom je afspraken na. Met zijn allen om de tafel zitten om ideeën te bedenken en deze tot uitvoer te brengen.”

Jette Talsma Gouden Award houder

Jette Talsma was voor het onderdeel Vrijwilligerswerk penningmeester bij de oudste scholierenvereniging van Nederland. “Eenieder heeft dezelfde passie en het is ontzettend leuk dat je dit deelt. Hoe ga je nou precies in contact met bedrijven, hoe maak je afspraken, hoe kom je afspraken na. Met zijn allen om de tafel zitten om ideeën te bedenken en deze tot uitvoer te brengen.”

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